
Aqua Pros’ Swimming Pool Programs

Pick a pool care program that’s right for you.
Get helpful advice every day at our 3 locations in Lynchburg, Bedford, and Salem. We invite you to stop in anytime during regular hours to learn the latest in swimming pool care from our helpful experts.  We want your pool to be fun and easy to care for and we’re happy to share what we’ve learned from our years of experience to help make caring for your swimming pool easy and more affordable.


BioGuard Pool Care Programs 
BioGuard’s 3 Step Chlorine Programs with Silk Guard Technology
Step 1: Kill Bacteria continuously and enjoy softer water and save money as BioGuard’s patented SilkGuard Technology releases an amazing water conditioner into your pool water.  SilkGuard also prevents scale build-up in plumbing, filters, and pool surfaces and this keeps your pool operating at peak efficiency and saves you money!  Users say that their chlorinated pools feel unusually soft and have tremendous clarity, never before experienced.
Step 2: Oxidize Organic Contaminants.  Aqua Pros recommends BioGuard Smart Shock for regular weekly shock treatment.  Smart Shock is a patented, unique blended shock treatment that oxidizes organic contaminants, without raising the chlorine level in your pool water as high as other, harsher chlorine shocks. It contains blue algae killing crystals, buffers and clarifies water, and you can swim 20 minutes after a treatment!
Step 3: Prevent Algae Growth.  BioGuard Algae Complete is a highly effective, fast acting swimming pool algae preventer and destroyer. Algae Complete prevents and kills Green, Mustard, and Black Algae. This incredible dual-action formula acts as your weekly Algae preventative but can also be used in cases of an algae outbreak with higher doses.

MINERAL SPRINGS … the ultimate in saltwater pool care! Mineral Springs takes saltwater technology to the highest level by taking all of the benefits of salt and increasing bather comfort, preventing algae growth, giving you maximum water clarity, maintaining stable water balance, and extending the life of your pool’s equipment!   Come into any Aqua Pros location for the latest word on saltwater pool care.


CHLORINE FREE Swimming Pool Care
BioGuard Soft Swim… if you like Baquacil, you’ll love Soft Swim!
SoftSwim gives a truly softer feel to your pool water. Stop into any Aqua Pros and learn why and you’ll save big time when you purchase your season’s supply of Soft Swim at Aqua Pros!  Soft Swim: for the best Chlorine FREE pool program available!


BioGuard Optimizer
No Swimming Pool Care Program is complete without BioGuard Optimizer.  Optimizer reduces chlorine and other sanitizer consumption in swimming pools by up to 50% as it fights algae! Because of this, Aqua Pros insists its part of our Algae Free Guarantee. NEVER MISS A MOMENT IN YOUR POOL, ALL SEASON!
Optimizer enhances ANY pool care program, in fact its blended into our Mineral Springs Enhanced Saltwater Program!



BioGuard’s NEW Pool Juice Line!

Pool Juice: for a Cleaner, Clearer, and Phosphate free pool.

Pool Juice Phosphate Remover is your weekly way to clearer water and cleaner pool surfaces. Say “goodbye” to ugly scum lines! It also has phosphate removing agents in it that help keep phosphates under control.

Pool Juice 911 is a powerful blend of enzymes and clarifiers that will instantly rescue your stressed out, problem pool! Kid’s birthday party is this weekend but the pool is dull and cloudy? No worries! Get Juiced and clear that pool in 24 – 48 hours!

*Results may vary. Poor filtration, circulation, and water chemistry may impact results.

Pool Juice ZERO is a powerful, super-concentrated formula that quickly drops high phosphate levels in as little as 24 hours!


Pool Juice products are compatible with ANY BioGuard pool care system!

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