Make Pool Care Easy with an Aqua Pros Chemical Plan

Pool Care Made Easy by Aqua Pros
Pool care doesn’t have to be complicated. Aqua Pros and BioGuard have taken the guess-work out of it with our Proven Chemical Systems. Which is best for you? Stop in your local Aqua Pros and talk to one of our H2Know Certified Experts.
Once a Week Program:
- SilkGuard Complete Sticks® or SilkGuard Complete Tabs® in the skimmer or chlorinator.
- Back Up® or NEW Algae Complete® Add directly to the pool to prevent algae and reduce Chlorine consumption.
- BioGuard® Smart Shock or BioGuard Burn Out® to oxidize organic contaminants.
- BioGuard Optimizer Plus Add annually to prevent algae and save up to 50% on chlorine consumption.
Softswim Non Chlorine Program:
- SoftSwim® A for Algae Prevention (weekly).
- SoftSwim® B to Kill Bacteria (every 2 weeks).
- SoftSwim® C to Oxidize Organics and Keep your clear (monthly or as needed).
- SoftSwim S prevents trace minerals and metals in the water from inhibiting SoftSwim C from doing its job.
Mineral Springs Prorgam for the Best in Saltwater Pool Care:
- Mineral Springs Renewal (weekly additions keep your pool and cell clean).
- Mineral Springs Beginnings.
- Mineral Springs Control Unit